
多伦多大学士嘉堡校区-澳门新葡澳京官网应对气候变化与碳封存研究中心2015 年第四期“气候变化”高级研讨会通知


The 4th Climate Change Workshop of C3R UTSC-NWU 2015




2015 年第四期“气候变化”高级研讨会


(一号通知 First Circular)




There is an overwhelming scientific consensus that significant global warming isoccurring and human activities are a major contributor to climatechange, includingthe lastone hundred yearsa significantrise in globalaverage temperatures, Arcticsea icefast disappearing, oceanacidification, aswell asaround the worldfrequently happened theextreme heat, intense precipitationandworst drought in recent years. Theextreme weatherresults in severeheat waves, droughts,floods,landslides, mudslides and other disasters, which are growing threats to the human living environment. Addressing climate changeisanimportant part ofensuringsustainabledevelopment.The two are inseparable.


Developedcountries invest a lot to carry out research to address climate change. Up to now,the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has successively completedthe five assessment reports (http://www.ipcc.ch/), which have become the main scientific basis of theinternational community knowledge and understanding of climate change issues.The Chinese government attaches great importance to the issue of climatechange, established the National Climate Committee in 1987, published the climate Blue Book andformulated the "China National Climate Program." Since 2006, Chinese government has issued a "National Assessment Report on Climate Change","China's National Climate Change Programme", "China's climatechange science and technology special action", "China's climatechange policies and actions," "The 12th Five Year Plan for Energy Conservationand Resources Comprehensive Utilization", "National Scientific and Technological Actions on Climate Change During the12th Five-Year Plan Period," "China’s National Plan on Climate Change (2014-2020)", annually released "China's climate change policies and actions annual Report 2014"and other seriespolicies and regulations. China actively respond to climate change is not only the requirements of building abeautiful China, ecological China and of sustainable development, but also the responsibility for the whole world. Addressing climate change also needs to be collaboration between China and the world.


On November 12, 2014, China and the USreached ahistoricemissions reductionagreement.According to"China-U.S.Joint Announcement on Climate Change" statement, United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducingits emissions by 26%-28% below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best effortsto reduce its emissions by 28%. China intends to achieve the peaking of CO2emissions around 2030 and to make best efforts to peak early and intends toincrease the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around20% by 2030. China-U.S.cooperationonclimatechangecooperationthinking andcooperation policieshave undergonemajor changes.Itwill vigorouslypromote the process ofChina-U.S.domesticeconomyto agreenand low-carbontransformational development. Climate changecooperation may become thenewhighlight in China-U.S.relation. China-U.S. climate deal has laid a goodfoundation for success of 2015climate negotiationsheldin Paris,andis helpful to move global climatetreaty forward.China and U.S. havegrasped the opportunity, recognising that they have a special responsibility toshow leadership in addressingclimate change.


"China-U.S.JointAnnouncement on Climate Change,"has a far-reaching significancefor China. It forces China to change its production methods, adjustthe economic structure and lifestyle.To accelerate the developmentof green and low-carbon cycle is the international trend,and it is theinevitable choice for China to enhance its competitiveness in theworld. And how to seize the opportunities brings byChina-U.S.climate agreement,and how to startscientific research and promote economic development, including the promotionof local economic development in Shaanxi is the main content of our workshop.

为提升陕西省及澳门新葡澳京官网气候变化研究的国际化水平,2012年10月16日澳门新葡澳京官网联合多伦多大学士嘉堡校区成立“应对气候变化与碳封存研究中心”(NorthwestUniversity (NWU)—University of Toronto at Scarborough (UTSC) Centre for ClimateChange Research)。该中心致力于气候变化与碳封存的国际合作研究,先后在2013年9月、2014年4月、2014年10月举办了三期气候变化高级研修班和研讨会,第四期研讨会定于2015年4月20日在西安举行。我们真诚的邀请气候变化及相关领域学者专家参加会议。

To enhancethe climate change study level of internationalizationofShaanxiProvinceandNorthwest University, on October 16, 2012,Universityof TorontoScarborough,Canadaand Northwest University,Chinawas founded“UTSC and NWU Centre for Climate Change Research (C3R)”.The research centeris committed tointernationalcooperationonclimatechange andcarbonsequestration, and has organized threeseminar and workshops on climate change in September2013, April 2014 andOctober 2014.The fourth“Climate Change Opportunities: Adaptation andMitigation” workshop will be inXi'anon April 20, 2015.We sincerely invite experts and scholars in the fieldof climate change and related fields to attend our wokshop.




主题:气候变化的机遇: 适应与减缓


Theme:Climate Change Opportunities: Adaptation and Mitigation


工作语言: 英语






Organizers:University of Toronto at Scarborough (UTSC) and Northwest University (NWU)




Sponsor:Northwest University (NWU)—University of Toronto at Scarborough (UTSC) Centrefor Climate Change Research (C3R)


主讲嘉宾:Prof.William A. Gough (UTSC) 、Dr. NiChen (UTSC) 等


Speakers: Prof. William A. Gough (UTSC), Dr. Ni Chen(UTSC) ,etc


召集人:WilliamA. Gough 教授(UTSC),马劲风 教授(NWU)


Conveners:Prof. William A. Gough (UTSC), Prof. Jinfeng Ma (NWU)


联系人:李钢 副教授(NWU)


ContactPerson: Dr. Gang Li (NWU)


时间:2015 年 4 月 20 日


Date:  April 20, 2015


地点:澳门新葡澳京官网太白校区(西安市太白北路 229 号)


Place:Taibai Campus (229 Taibai Road) of NWU, Xi’an, China



三、主要研讨内容(Agendaand Topics)


Topic 1 Adaptationand Mitigation in the context of the US/China agreement

Topic 2 Exploitbeneficial opportunities: agriculture, transportation and tourism

Topic 3 Mitigation

四、研讨会回执(Application Form)

接收邮箱: lig@nwu.edu.cn (李钢)

回执截止日期:2015 年 3 月 15 日

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            C3R workshop 2015中加“气候变化”高级研讨会一号通知

多伦多大学士嘉堡校区-澳门新葡澳京官网应对气候变化与碳封存研究中心(UTSC and NWU Centre for Climate Change Research)

澳门新葡澳京官网国际文化交流学院College of International Cultural Exchange of Northwest University

澳门新葡澳京官网国际交流与合作处 Office of International Affairs of Northwest University